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Invited Talks

September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Wireless: Complex event processing as a service
Dr. George Bilchev, British Telecom [ Abstract & Bio ]
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Optical: FTTH deployment taking off in Europe
Gerlas van den Hoven - CEO, Genexis B.V. [ Abstract & Bio ]
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Internet: Optimizing Communication Networks: Incentives and Multipath Transfers
Peter Key Microsoft Research, Cambridge [ Abstract & Bio ]
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Internet: Separating identifiers from locators to scale the Internet
Olivier Bonaventure, UCL, Belgium [ Abstract & Bio ]
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Internet: P2P: An ISP's point of View
Pablo Rodriguez, Telefonica [ Abstract & Bio ]
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Internet: A Possibility for ISP and P2P Collaboration
Anja Feldmann, Ph.D., Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin [ Abstract & Bio ]
Invited Talks - Detailed Information
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Dr. George BilchevWireless: Complex event processing as a service
Speaker: Dr. George Bilchev, British Telecom

Abstract: The presentation describes the design and implementation of a complex event processing (CEP) service. The CEP service could be used to reduce the complexity of developing real-time web applications as well as the operational costs. It offers RESTful APIs and SDKs to interact with the data sources (e.g. sensors, RFID, events) and defines an event processing language (EPL) and execution environment. Analogies are drawn between using search in the "static" web and using CEP queries in the real-time web.

Biography: George Bilchev has a PhD in applications of evolutionary computing in Engineering Design from Plymouth University, UK and a Masters degree in Computer Science from New Bulgarian University. George has joined British Telecom (BT) research in 1996 working on modeling of complex systems. In the last five years he has been leading the sensor networks research group in BT's pervasive ICT centre.
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Gerlas van den HovenOptical: FTTH deployment taking off in Europe
Speaker: Gerlas van den Hoven - CEO, Genexis B.V.

Abstract: Fibre-to-the-home is becoming the technology of choice for bringing real broadband to the end-user. Fibre not only brings the highest bandwidth, it also enables network operators to build open networks that provide multiple services from multiple service providers. Important is that the underlying network elements such as the central office and home gateway support the bandwidth and services, while keeping the network cost low. Case studies of FTTH deployments in Europe will be presented and the role of the network elements supporting the rollouts will be highlighted. Also, a view on the next generation of FTTH network technologies will be given.

Biography: Gerlas van den Hoven started his career at Philips Research in the area of components for long haul and metro networks. He worked as product line manager for optical amplification at JDS Uniphase, where he became part of the JDSU Netherlands management team. After JDSU, Gerlas worked for Genoa Corporation as VP Products. Here, he developed the market for lowcost integrated optical amplifiers for the metro-access market. In 2002, Gerlas co-founded Genexis, a company focused on the development of home gateways for fiber-to-the-home. He is currently CEO of Genexis. Gerlas van den Hoven holds a PhD on the subject of silicon-based photonic materials.
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Peter KeyInternet: Optimizing Communication Networks: Incentives and Multipath Transfers
Speaker: Peter Key, Microsoft Research, Cambridge

The past ten years have seen dramatic  changes in networking .   For example, wireless and the Internet have overtaken traditional telecommunication networks.   Yet some of the economic incentives and standards’ policies that have enabled such growth have also inhibited other forms of evolutionary development.  For instance, the fundamental architecture of the Internet has changed little.  This has led to flurry of interest in “Clean Slate” approaches to next-generation networks.    Instead, we ask how far it is possible go without re-architecting networks, by exploiting some current research ideas.We discuss control strategies for communication networks such as the Internet, or multihop networks where the aim is to optimize network performance in some sense.  We address some key issues concerned with   economics, bandwidth guarantees and security, using content distribution as a motivating example.   We describe how welfare maximization can be used as a paradigm for network resource allocation, and also be used to derive practical rate-control algorithms.   We apply this to the case of multipath transfers, where multiple paths are used to transfer data, and where we can use decentralised protocols to effectively load-balance across the network. We discuss how this, coupled with a dynamic path selection scheme can lead to an efficient “social welfare” optimum, and how some current peer-to-peer systems embody elements of this approach.  The benefit to the users is better performance, while offering simpler and more robust engineering for ISPs.    We comment on incentives and pricing issues for both users and providers. 

Peter Key is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Cambridge,  where he co- leads the  Systems and Networks Group. He is currently looking at multipath routing in wired and wireless networks, and fileswarming. His other research interests include Distributed Control, Application Performance, Quality of Service and Stochastic Networks.Prior to joining Microsoft in 1998 he was at BT labs for 15 years where he  was involved with the development and introduction of DAR (Dynamic Alternative Routing) into the UK Telephone  network” .  At BT, he was initially involved in Performance Engineering.  After leading a mathematical services group, he then became involved with network reliability. In 1992 he ventured into the ATM arena to manage an ATM Performance group, and then lead the Network Transport area.  He is a Visiting Fellow at the Statistical Laboratory, Cambridge, and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology. He has a BA in Mathematics from Oxford University and MSc and PhD degrees in
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Oliver BonaventureInternet: Separating identifiers from locators to scale the Internet
Oliver Bonaventure (UCL, Belgium)

The growth of the Internet is causing some stress on the Internet control plane and BGP in particular. The IRTF Routing Research Group has been chartered to explore architectural alternatives to the current Internet routing architecture. Several of these alternatives rely on separating the identifier and locator roles of IP addresses. In this talk, we'll review the key principles of these proposals and explain the main challenges that need to be solved.

Olivier Bonaventure is currently a professor in the Department of Computing Science and  Engineering at Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium ( where he leads the IP Networking Lab. From 1998 to 2002 he was a professor at the Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium. Before that, he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Liege and spent one year at the Alcatel Corporate Research Center in Antwerp. He received the Wernaers and Alcatel prizes awarded by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research in 2001. He is on the editorial board of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and was TPC co-chair of CoNEXT 2007. His current research interests include the evolution of the Internet architecture, intra- and interdomain routing, traffic engineering, and network security.
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Pablo RodriguezInternet: P2P: An ISP's point of View
Speaker: Pablo Rodriguez, Telefonica

Abstract: Traditional routing and traffic engineering enable network  providers to stir traffic according to their economic and technical constraints. These solutions are best suited to applications like Web and Email with fixed end-points, but don’t interact as well with the newest breed of P2P applications. By selecting selfishly the sources that provide the fastest data rates, such applications affect actively the paths from which data flow in, and thus undermine the value of standard traffic control mechanisms. This can create a state of conflict between ISPs and P2P applications, and lead to drastic measures such as throttling or blocking of P2P connections.

In this talk, I will present the potential of less radical Traffic Engineering 2.0 control mechanisms that intervene on the P2P overlay construction in order to leverage unexploited P2P service capacity that sits in more favorable network locations. Using real traffic and topology data from one of the world’s largest ISPs, detailed information from 25,000 swarms with more than one million P2P clients, and a combination of analytic, numeric, and emulation methods, we show that ISPs can reclaim control of their network without severely impacting on their customer’s QoS.

Biography: Pablo Rodriguez is the Scientific Director at the Telefonica Research Lab in Barcelona. Up until recently he was with Microsoft Research, Cambridge. Pablo also worked at Bell-Labs, NJ and as a software architect for various startups in the Silicon Valley including Inktomi (acquired by Yahoo!) and Tahoe Networks (now part of Nokia). He received a Ph.D. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL, Lausanne). His research interests are in the areas of P2P (Avalanche), Content Distribution, and Wireless networks. He has chaired the SIGCOMM/P2P-TV workshop in 2006 and 2007 and he is the general chair for SIGCOMM 2009.
September 9, 2008 [Tuesday] 10:15 AM - 12:00 Noon
Dr. Anja FeldmannInternet: A Possibility for ISP and P2P Collaboration
Speaker: Anja Feldmann, Ph.D., Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin

Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems offer astounding possibilities to their users.  As such P2P users are a good source of revenue for the Internet Service Providers (ISPs). But the immense volume of P2P traffic also poses a significant challenges to the ISPs.  P2P systems have to either build their overlay topologies agnostic of the underlay topology or measure the path performance themselves. Accordingly, routing in P2P systems is often suboptimal and largely independent of the Internet routing. In addition, the ISP looses control of its traffic. This situation is disadvantageous for both: the ISPs and the P2P users.To overcome this, we suggest that ISPs and P2P systems collaborate. We propose and evaluate the feasibility of a solution where the ISP offers an ``oracle'' to the P2P users. When the P2P user supplies the oracle with a list of possible P2P nodes, the oracle ranks them according to certain criteria, like their proximity to the user or higher bandwidth links. This can be used by theP2P user to choose appropriate neighbors, and therefore improve its performance. The ISP can use this mechanism to better manage the immense P2P traffic, e.g., to keep it inside its network, or to direct it along a desired path.

Biography: Anja Feldmann is a full professor at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories a unit of Deutsche Telekom and an Institut of the Technische Universitaet Berlin, Germany. From 2000 to 2006 she headed the network architectures group first at Saarland University and then at TU Muenchen. Before that (1995 to 1999) she was a member of the Networking and Distributed Systems Center at AT&T Labs -- Research in Florham Park, New Jersey.  She has published more than 50 papers and has served on more than 40 program committees, including as Co-Chair of Sigcomm 2003 and as Co-PC-Chair of Sigcomm 2007. She is a member of the scientific boards of Inria and the Swiss center on mobile information and communication systems and a member of the technical advisory board of Endace. She received a M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany, in 1990 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA, in 1991 and 1995, respectively.Her current research interests include understanding the current Internet and its applications for the purpose of performance debugging and intrusion prevention as well as new network architectures.  She can be reached via electronic mail to [email protected], and on the Web at